what Should Mommy Do...
Hey Mommies, welcome to What Should Mommy Do…your number one book series, where your feelings, concerns, and frustrations all about being a mom are all addressed. What Should Mommy Do is all about making moms understand they are not alone in all the frustrations and challenges that can occur daily.
What Should Mommy Do… is a new dynamic book series, that is designed to help and advise all moms on the different hectic life situations that all come along with being a mommy.
The Never Ending Collection

My First Book!
What Should Mommy Do...When Her Child Has A Toothache?

When Choosing The Right Doctor

When Her Child Has A Toothache?

How To Prepare For Baby's Arrival

When Traveling With Her Child

For Her Child's Health Care

When Trying To Balance a Career and a Family
Endorsed By

Dr.Jonelle Anamelechi DDS, MSPH
Board Certified Pediatric Dentist

Dr. Grace Chung DDS
General Dentist, Forensic Odontologist

Dr. Melissa Lancer MD

Dr. Tressa D. Naik, MD, FACEP
Emergency Medicine

Dr. Cindy Shieh, D.O.
Family Medicine
About Desmond marquez

I’m Desmond Marquez the author and creator of What Should Mommy Do…. The development of What Should Mommy Do is the biggest project I have ever taken on, however, it was my mission to create a book series that moms can relate to and find advice in the challenging world of being a mom. So a male perspective, some may say……!
Over much time and research, I saw that essentially every mommy writer and blogger was the typical suburban mom, who indeed provided moms with great but similar points of view. I wanted to build a book series and social network from a male perspective (which had never been done before), to come at all the stresses of being a mom from another angle.

Sharing My Mother's Voice
So what does the gay childless guy know about being a mom? It’s, true, I’m not a mom and don’t have children, but I was blessed to have the most amazing mom for 29 years of my life before I lost her to cancer.
As a psychologist and mentor, I watched my mom as she was able to impact so many moms by bestowing her impeccable wisdom and valuable life lessons on to them.
I knew through What Should Mommy Do I could share her voice and fabulous sense of style, to honor her legacy and eternal love she had for so many.
Sometimes Mommy Just Needs a Cocktail...
During those long challenging days between getting the kids to school, then after school activities, not to mention a long workday, and the endless task of trying to get your husband on the same page(not to mention the same planet).
There’s sometimes nothing better than a nice glass of wine to calm your nerves and keep your sanity.

The Mommies To Be...
Congratulations…. There is nothing more true and pure on this earth than a mother. Moms bring life, whether you are birthing that 7-lb baby or are bringing the gift of adoption to a child’s life. The funny thing about the joy of bringing life to someone, there are always those unavoidable side-effects that tend to pop up from time to time…….. welcome to motherhood.
What Should Mommy Do is here to help you with handling and coping with all the different events that surround motherhood, from choosing the right pediatrician, dealing with toddlers picky eating habits to handling family travel? What Should Mommy Do is all about being there for new and experienced mommies because no matter what stage in the game you’re in, there’s always something unexpected just around the corner that you weren’t prepared for